STREET ART (arte de rua)

Welcome to back! How are you feeling today?

So, what are we working on today? Street art. What is this? We will find out after we read and interpret the following facts.

Street Art

   Street  is the expression that refers to the artistic manifestation developed in the public space, distinguishing itself from the manifestations of institutional or business character, as well as from the mere vandalism. One of the big questions discussed is: aren't vandalism and graffiti the same?

  So I come to introduce you to the concept of street art, and examples of this art, and show you the concept of graffiti and vandalism and you reader will draw your own conclusions.

  Street art, or urban art, are artistic urban interventions with themes that go from politics to religion, through social problems and etc. This art can be made through painting, sculptures or installations. In any way, urban art is a marginal art, and is not tied to any aesthetic standard. Thus, urban art is considered a free art, being the maximum expression of society and being a citizen. 

If you like, click here and take a look at this street art.

As types of street art, I will show you:Graffiti, Stencil, Sticker, Mosaic, Video projection , Street installation ,Wood blocking ,Flash mobbing ,Yarn bombing

  Graffiti is a type of urban art characterized by the production of drawings in public places such as walls, buildings, streets, etc.It is widely used as a form of social criticism, and, moreover, it is a way of direct intervention in the city, thus democratizing public spaces.

  Stencil it is reported to the technique and the result to unstamp something through a board that presents a drawing already cut out. The process consists of casting the ink through the cutout: in this way, the shape of the board is stamped.

 Sticker is the art in stickers.This type of manifestation uses the application of stickers throughout the city.  It is a fast and discreet form of intervention in the urban scenario.

 Mosaic:the technique of mosaic art consists in the placement of tessellles (quadrangular or cubic pieces used in coating), which are small fragments of stones, such as marble and granite molded with chischis (instrument used by sculptors) and hammer. The mosaic is not simply a set of stone and glass teals that forms a design with a certain symmetry. In fact, any type of material can be used, such as plastics, post it, woods, metals or fabrics. Its versatility is more than evident and can be found in games of teesselas for children to make a mosaic, in photographic murals, floral mosaics or tattoos that reproduce the techniques of this artistic tradition.

 Video Projection process of digitally projecting a computer-manipulated image onto a surface via a ligth and projection system.

 Street Intalion there are numerous types of artistic installations as examples of street art.They can be produced using objects of different materials and are intended to cause a change in the existing scenario

 Wood blocking  artwork painted on a small portion of plywood or similar inexpensive material and attached to street signs with bolts.

 Flash mobbing  artwork painted on a small portion of plywood or similar inexpensive material and attached to street signs with bolts.

 Yarn bombing  artwork painted on a small portion of plywood or similar inexpensive material and attached to street signs with bolts.

 Now that you've been introduced to some street arts, which ones would you want to do? I particularly think graffiti is a great choice.

                                    Graffiti or vandalism?

  It's a good question, because it depends on how it's done. In my humble opinion, I say graffiti is art, it's never going to be vandalism, it's art. Vandalism would be those people who write offensive words or something.
  In a text in my English book I'm shown that it's actually different. Vandalism is when the person does graffiti without permission, I find it funny and even logical to be so since there is so much private property. In the book it is commented until people receive fine, for example, in the UK.
  So, in your point of view, can my vision be correct? I think so and at the same time I think not everyone would find it good to wake up and see your wall with a graffiti criticizing the government right?

While writing this work I realized that all (or most) of the arts presented here are presented in the movie She danceS I dance 4, I do not know how my teacher did not indicate this film (maybe she does not know) to analyze the types of art, but well I recommend you this film, I definitely like the saga of movies but I am suspicious to speak because it is one of my favorite movies.

                                I  have to say that, I am no writer and much less researcher, all this               information and links were taken from websiter, blogs or my English book, but over time I cam improve myself and bring a better and better work. That's it for today, readers. I hope you've learned something. Xoxo and see you later, bye alligator.
