Short Profiles

Hello! guess who's back?

 So one of the teaching methods, which I'm not a big fan of, of my English classes are somewhat peculiar. In recent times I had a full schedule and I ended up missing the deadline for this activity, but still here we are. The activity was worth point and I think if I had done it would have passed year,LOL. So without further winding, I'm going to present 4 artist profiles here in Tocantins. ps: this activity takes a lot of time, in my opinion just slows me down.

Name: Boddah Diciro

What is: a band 

Mambers: Sam:lead guitar/voca

                    Beto:lead guitar/vocals                  



                               Music maybe you know:Strange

Name: Dona Quitéria 

What is: a band

Born in:Palmas-Tocantins, Brazil

Mambers:Branquin (Guitar and vocals)

                   Jonathan Rosa(Lead guitar)

                   Pumba Bass (bass)

                    Klaus Martins (bass).

One music maybe you know:Meu Samba Não Tem Refrão

Curiosity: Participants are former IF students

Name:Queen Evil


Born: 2003, Palmas-Tocantins, Brazil

Mambers:Guilherme Hirose

                   Ádamo Morone

                   Felipe Negri

                   Gustavo Gama.

One Music:Heavy Metal Rules

Name: Juliano 

Birth name: Edson Alves dos Reis Junior 

Blorn:27 of November,1990; Palmeirópolis-Tocantins,Brazil

Age:31 years

                                             Ocupation: Singer

                                             Musical Group: Henrique e Juliano
